PinGodGame Projects - New From Template

Duplicate Template

  1. Copy the pingod-projects-template and paste in same directory, by default windows adds - Copy to the directory
  2. Rename the copy to pingod-projects-myproject
  3. You will need to link the addons again. Delete addons directory then run the _link_addons.bat

project.godot file

You can add a project name to the project.godot file before running the project. These are found under [application] in the config section. Yours will be empty.

The reason why we’ve added Projects-MyProject here is that it’s easier to tell the type in the appdata, because this is the name it will be saved under in the users app data. By default though logs are put into the project directory.


config/description="Test project for scenes etc..."



  1. Load project in Godot with godot -e
  2. The project should play. F5, ESC to exit

Instance a scene from the addons. SwitchOverlay.tscn

  1. Right click in the MyScene node and Instance Child Scene
  2. Browse to the addons\Scenes\ and select SwitchOverlay.tscn

Play the project, although it will play there will be an error, because the script is using C# and it doesn’t have an assembly for the project.