Mode - Base Modes


This is loaded with the game controller. All you have to do is tag your switches correctly in the .sql machine configuration and it will handle the rest.

Make sure you have trough tags for switches and eject coil. Plunger lane, early save switches if using. These can be found in the example .sql.

Other modes

In the proc/PinGodProcGameController.cs script when the game resources have fully loaded and called MachineResourcesReady, then some modes are created.

Ball Save

When this is created a lamp / led name is passed in and a switch to active the ball save.

After the switch to activate the ball search is opened the ball save is started, in this case the plungerLane.

When this is created it runs through our switches for stop and reset values and adds any coils tags with search.


This is just a simple mode that we can handle some base switches like the coin door.

We have tagged all of our door switches with door so when this mode is created, it adds a handler to HandleDoorSwitch for every switch tagged with door, then the switch is dealt with in this single method.

Currently it is just adding credits but is setup for a coin door and service menu.