PinGodProc GameController

This is the main GameController for P-ROC which is based from a Database Game Controller in NetProc.

Here you will find the main event methods for a game and get access to the machine items from the .sql

When the game is created a database will be created for the game which holds settings, saves audits. All of this is taken care of but you can add your own audits / adjustments to the .sql

Run Loop

This class overrides the existing GameControllers RunLoop method. This run loop is slightly different to cater for simulation, but will work the same when not simulated.

For simulation, the states are written to memory. Coils, Lamps and LEDS.


When the PinGodGameProc.cs script is fully loaded then MachineResourcesReady is called on the game. In this method we create new modes and reset the game.


This links ball saves with the trough and adds all of our base starting modes to the p-roc Game.Modes.


You will be using coils inside modes and the game. Just access the Coils dictionary from the game like:


You should only use Enable if using a simulation.

Database Calls

You can add your own adjustments and audits in the sql file:

GetTopScores() // get top scores in database. 
GetAdjustment("DISP_MODE") // gets an adjustment value
GetAudit("CREDITS") // gets an audit value
SetAdjustment("DISP_MODE", 2) // gets an adjustment value
SetAudit("CREDITS", 50) // gets an audit value