Mode - MyMode

In the modes directory you’ll find MyMode.cs. This will be loaded when the default game is run.

It’s is a P-ROC mode script using the base PinGodProcMode but this mode doesn’t dislay any scene, it runs as mode to and just access game controller.

P-ROC Mode Start / Stop

When this mode starts it uses the Trough to launch a ball in play.

P-ROC Switch Handlers

startadds more players if ball=1 , credits and players < 4
slingLadd 100 points
slingRadd 100 points
inlaneLadd 100 points
inlaneRadd 100 points
outlaneLadd 100 points
outlaneRadd 100 points
saucerwhen active for 1 second it will add 250 then eject the ball
bumperHitAll bumpers call this for 150 points
targetHitAll targets tagged with targetBank add 200 points

Creating Modes