P-ROC - PinGod NetProc
Using PinGodGame and NetProc to run with a P-ROC board.
This version of PinGod is quite similar to the example without a P-ROC, only this uses modes and handles machine items differentley.
Games can be simulated and developed away from the machine with a simulator (visual pinball) or using the playfield window.
Overview of what we get from using NetProc:
- PinProc Controller (send data to board USB)
- Game Controller
- Modes (with or without CanvasLayers)
- Databased machine items, adjustments and audits
- Trough Management (Mode)
- Ball Search, Ball Save (Modes)
P-ROC Links
🔗 multimorphic.com P-ROC hardware-control-system
🔗 P3-ROC (v1) Specifications
🔗 P3-ROC (v2) Specifications
🔗 sw-16 boards
🔗 pd-16 boards
🔗 pd-led boards
Newer setup with power module distributing power:
Basic setup of sw-16 board with a single switch: