Database - Sql

The nuget package NetProc.Data will provide you with .sql files to seed database data.

This creates a sqlite database and saves everything here from the game, from machine items to game audits and adjustments.

  • Adjustments
  • Switches
  • Coils
  • LEDS
  • Lamps
  • Audits
  • GamesPlayed
  • BallsPlayed
  • Players
  • Scores

You will edit one of the files depending on the machine type, but before you edit, copy the file and create your own into the sql directory. So usually you edit this file outside of Visual Studio.

If you try and edit the file from the package it will never save it, so create your own in same directory by copying the sql directory from the package

image image

If you’re using a p3-roc or intend to just for simulating then the sql file we’ve used in this project is a good starter. (subject to change)

You can adjust everything in this template then create the database. This can easily be done from the PinGodGame.tscn / PinGodGamePROC by enabling delete on init and running the game.

Development settings

To change the display settings in the database use the tool like sqlitestudio to edit rows in the Adjustments table under SubMenuName DISPLAY by loading the netproc.db into the application. Helpful when you want to run in a window and other settings.

Quick overiew of tables

Besides the common Switches, Coils, Leds, Lamps some need a bit more explanation.


Settings for the machine and the type of machine it is where the default is set to 7 for a PDB machine. Balls per machine for the trough and display monitor game runs on.


Game adjustments table with means to be shown in a UI.

Rows should have unique keys with their MenuName and SubMenuName to be used for service menus and the like. A default example would be a parent / child STANDARD_ADJ / GENERAL.

Value must be integer. OptionType is the type of options display in a UI.

  • 0 = A range of ints like 8,30 or 0,15
  • 1 = List ints like 0,1,2,3 or 10,20,75
  • 2 = Enum like NO,YES which would be 0,1 to display text for option


There is a player named default with initials (display name) set to NETPROC. Players should have a unique login name but display name (initials) could be the same as another player.

Players are used in the BallsPlayed and Scores tables.


Scores stored here against he GamePlayedId and PlayerId are storing the total points scored in that game.

Games Played

Games played just stored the start and end time of the game with the duration and the adjustments that were set.

Balls Played

Saves every balls score for each player and the duration.