Symbolic - Linking addons

TODO: remove basic game guide, add for new projects and how to reuse same code

To run the pingod-basigame project in the examples folder you will need the addons directory linked or copied.

These addons contain base files and pinball framework that a game will use.

You can copy the addons directory to your project (pingame-basicgame in this example), but it’s better to use a symbolic link to the addons so we are not duplicating files and you can keep the same addons across projects.

  1. Running the _link_addons.bat launcher file will symbolic link the addons. A shortcut addons folder will be added in the Godot project.

  2. This will just flash up and disappear, but you will see a new folder shortcut created called addons

image image

Opening shortcut

If you open the new addons shortcut it will show you the files that are in pingod-addons\addons.

image image

This shortcut can be removed without harming the files where the directory is linked from.