Creating custom playfield switch window

Create Playfield image to use:

  1. Open the game in VP and take a screenshot of the editor with the playfield in view. You can do this with Alt + PrtScn.
  2. Open Microsoft Paint and paste in you screenshot of the editor. Get there with windows key and typing paint
  3. Select the outer playfield and crop it in MsPaint
  4. Click resize by pixels, uncheck Maintain aspect ratio and set to 400 x 900
  5. Save this image into your game folder so Godot picks it up and you can assign this to window image. res://assets/img is a good place to put it.

Create custom Window

  1. Filter the Files to show playfield, you should see PlayfieldWindow and playfield_control
  2. Duplicate the playfield_control.tscn and name like playfield_control_mygamename.tscn
  3. Duplicate the PlayfieldWindow.tscn and name like PlayfieldWindowMyGame.tscn
  4. Now right click the duplicated files and move to res://autoload. Could be anywhere, but easy to put here and find.
  5. Open your PlayfieldWindowMyGame.tscn and set the Scene under WindowPinGod in the inspector to your playfield_control_mygamename.tscn
  6. In your custom res://Machine.tscn change the Switch Window to your new window.
  7. You can load the game but the playfield is missing. Add a texture to playfield_control_mygamename.tscn in the PlayfieldTextureRect
  8. The texture size should be 400x900 but you can adjust the control and window if you need larger or smaller.

New Buttons

Open the Machine.tscn in a text editor so you can see your switches you’ve added to reference and copy names.

Now you can just duplicate a button and rename it to the switch name. Select a button and use Ctrl+D and move it into position.

Some buttons are set not to toggle so they send on/off switch. Like slingshots and spinners are never held down.

image image

image image

image image