
The Resources plugin is a preloader of assets and scenes which are called Packed Scenes.

We can get a resource from this autoload and instance scenes with it.

Packed Scenes

These scenes will be loaded with a game. By default the BasicGame loads the following:

  • Bonus.tscn
  • ScoreEntry.tscn
  • Tilt.tscn
  • Multiball.tscn
  • Attract.tscn

Once these scenes and all resources have been loaded then we add a scene like the Attract.tscn.

Resources (Key, Path)

Add resources that will be pre loaded in this dictionary by key , path.

Key: nameForScript , Value res://assets/yourasset.ogv.

Key: nameForScript2 , Value res://myotherassets/asset.tscn.

Resource Packs

By default the collection includes the export packs in the previous section. pingod.gfx.pck and pingod.snd.pck

You can add with the scene inspector or directly in the tscn file it saves to.

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