PinGodGame.cs - Script

This script is autoloaded from the scene when the display window is launched and has many methods.

Modes and other scenes can get access to this from the root tree. GetNode<PinGodGame>("/root/PinGodGame").

Godot - Overrides

_EnterTree = Gets user cmd line args, loads data and settings, creates trough, sets up ball search and audio manager

_Ready = Game initialized. Memory map is created here if read and write is enabled. Gets BallSearchOptions, sets up a _lampMatrixOverlay Gets hold of the MainScene to control window size, stretch

_ExitTree = Saves recordings if enabled and runs Quit(bool)

_Input = Listens for any escape action preses. Handles coin switches, adds credits. Toggle border F2 default

_Process = Processes playback events…Processing is disabled if it isn’t enabled or if playback is finished

Signals (Game Events)

Signal list

  • BallDrained
  • BallEnded(bool lastBall)
  • BallSaved
  • BallSaveEnded
  • BallSaveStarted
  • BonusEnded
  • CreditAdded
  • GameEnded
  • GamePaused
  • GameResumed
  • GameStarted
  • GameTilted
  • ModeTimedOut(string title)
  • MultiBallEnded
  • MultiballStarted
  • PlayerAdded
  • ScoreEntryEnded
  • ScoresUpdated
  • ServiceMenuEnter
  • ServiceMenuExit
  • VpCommand(byte index)

Signals can be found in PinGodGameBase.cs. The game has to have these or at least inherit them to be able to be emitted.

You can connect to signals from a PinGodGame scene reference, See res://addons/PinGodGame/Game/Game.cs in _EnterTree for example.

pinGod.Connect(nameof(PinGodGame.BallDrained), this, nameof(OnBallDrained));

Some example methods

Pretty much all can be overridden in this class.

Generate documentation from source see Setup-Generate Docs to view all methods in PinGodGame

AddBonus(long points) = Add bonus to current player

AddCredits(byte amt) = Add game credits

AddPoints(long points) = Add points to current player

BallsInPlay() = Gets balls in play from the _trough

DisableAllLeds, DisableAllLamps = Disable all lights

EnableFlippers (byte enabled) = enable flippers?

IsSwitch (string[] switchNames,InputEvent input) = Detect if the input isAction found in the given switchNames. Uses SwitchOn

LogInfo,LogWarning,LogError,LogDebug = write to logs

StartMultiBall (byte numOfBalls, byte ballSaveTime = 20,float pulseTime = 0) = Sets MultiBall running in the trough and Emits MultiballStarted

StopMusic() = Stops the music in audiomanager

SwitchOn(string swName) = Checks a switches input event by friendly name. If the “coin” switch is still held down then will return true

UpdateLamps = Invokes UpdateLamps on all groups marked as Mode within the scene tree. scene tree CallGroup

BasicGame usage


The BasicGameGodots CustomPinGodGame class inherits PinGodGame and is set as a script in the PinGodGame.tscn. So while the PinGodGame.tscn scene is set to autoload with a project, then any custom game classes can be by selecting it in the godot editor( safer) or by editing the PinGodGame.tscn file and changing script there.

  • Overrides the CreatePlayer to create a BasicGamePlayer and doesn’t call the base method.

  • Overrides the Setup but calls the base method.


In this scene overriding the _EnterTree uses pinGod to log messages and connect to some signals.