Score Entry

Basic Score mode with charachter selection for players at end of game

Scene Tree breadown

  • ColorRect = Black background color
  • SelectedChar
  • Label = HI_SCORE_ENTRY
  • CenterContainer = Shows selected char center screen
  • ColorRect2 = used as red marker under a letter

Exports (ScoreEntry.cs)

  • _includeZeroToNine
  • _nameMaxLength
  • _playerMessage _selectCharMargin = space when changing between chars with flippers _selectedChar



Sets IsPlayerEnteringScore to true quits the scene if no players or MoveNextPlayer


If scene is visible and IsPlayerEnteringScore then flippers and start button actions are watched to then be able to select letter.

Creating custom Score Entry scene"

  1. Filter Godot files by ScoreEntry
  2. Duplicate the ScoreEntry.tscn and move to your res://autoload directory
  3. Add the packed scene location, replacing any existing in the res:autoload/Resources.tscn
  4. Add the new scene into the Game.tscn so it knows where your version is
  5. Edit away without effecting the addons and script. You can take it further than cosmetic from here with a script.

Things you can try in the scene:

  1. Setting a theme on the top control ScoreEntry, which will set all in the scene, provided you have made custom theme entries like Label themes.
  2. Changing the labels font and colors, sizes, outlines, shadows.
  3. If you change the size you can Select Char Margin to adjust the distance between the characters.