Game Scene

This scene is loaded from the attract mode. (Add to favorites for quick access)

Add scenes to the modes CanvasLayer to use in game or add to from script

image image

Default Modes (CanvasLayer)


[[ScoreMode.tscn ScoreMode.cs|06a.-ScoreMode]]


  • Set the Ball Save Scene

[[BaseMode.tscn BaseMode.cs|06b.-BaseMode]]


  • Set the default text and display time

[[Bonus.tscn Bonus.cs|06c.-Bonus]]


  • Set number of tilt warnings

[[Tilt.tscn Tilt.cs|06d.-Tilt]]


  • Scene to show when player is entering a score

[[ScoreEntry.tscn ScoreEntry.cs|06e.-Tilt]]

Base Game scene for Game.tscn. BasicGame.cs inherits this class and is used in the game/Game.tscn scene.

You can add some of your own overrides here to existing methods at common stages of a pinball game. See Methods to override below.

This is a good scene to invoke methods on groups. Used in res://addons/PinGodGame/Game/Game.cs


MULTIBALL_SCENE = Default scene file to use for Multi-Ball: res://addons/PinGodGame/Scenes/Multiball.tscn

_service_menu_scene_path = The Service Menu Scene to load. Default: res://addons/PinGodGame/Scenes/ServiceMenu.tscn

Godot - Overrides


Creates a tilted timer which starts a new ball on timedout

Nodes (Scenes) referenced

  • Modes/ScoreEntry
  • Modes/Bonus

Signals connected

  • PinGodGame.BallDrained = PinGodGame.OnBallDrained(SceneTree, string, string) on the whole tree so any modes in group named Mode with OnBallDrained will be called.
  • PinGodGame.BallEnded = Ends multiball. Starts Bonus if not tilted. Displays high score if last ball
  • PinGodGame.BallSaved = PinGodGame.OnBallSaved on modes group as node in tree. Mode group.
  • PinGodGame.BonusEnded = Displays high score entry scoreEntry.DisplayHighScore if last ball or StartNewBall
  • PinGodGame.MultiBallEnded = EndMultiball on all scenes in the multiball group
  • PinGodGame.ScoreEntryEnded = PinGodGame.EndOfGame, which will send a game ended


Sets the games BallInPlay = 1 and starts a new ball

Methods to Override

  • AddMultiballSceneToTree = Gets an instance of the multi-ball scene and add it to the Modes tree in group multiball
  • AddPoints = add points (pinGod.AddPoints) with 25 bonus
  • EndMultiball = Any node that is in the multiball group is removed from tree
  • OnBallEnded = Add a display at end of ball
  • OnBonusEnded = Displays high score if this is the last ball.
  • OnScoreEntryEnded = pingod.EndOfGame
  • StartNewBall = Starts new ball with PinGodGame and invokes the OnBallStarted method on all in Mode group
  • OnBallDrained = PinGod.OnBallDrained invokes the OnBallDrained method on all in Mode group
  • OnBallSaved = Calls OnBallSaved for the whole tree in Mode group