
Bonus scene used in BasicGame Game.tscn Modes.

StartBonusDisplay is used from the Game.OnBallEnded if the game isn’t tilted. So you can override this with your own.

image image

Scene Tree breadown

backgroundColor pingod-logo = sprite Label Timer = 1 second


  • Default Text
  • Display For Seconds



  • sets Timer and Label
  • If no _defaultText is available it uses translated BONUS_EOB


  • Finds Trough scene
  • Gets Timer and BlinkingLabel from scene tree


  • Watches actions for tilt, slam_tilt
  • Both tilting actions disable flippers and ball saves.
  • Show a message how many warnings or if tilted on top of everything else


  • OnTimedOut = Stops the timer, hides the scene and emits the BonusEnded signal
  • SetBonusText(string)
  • StartBonusDisplay(bool visible = true) = Starts display for the amount of seconds set