BaseMode (BasicGame)

This BaseMode scene is loaded in the Game.tscn Modes scene used in the BasicGame project. A basic mode which has a saucer (kicker) and starts multiball when active.



BALL_SAVE_SCENE = “res://addons/PinGodGame/Modes/ballsave/BallSave.tscn”;


In Node / Signals pane we have connected signals to the BallStackPinball scene

image image

Here’s what it looks like connected inside a .tscn. The methods are inside the BaseMode.cs script.

[connection signal="SwitchActive" from="BallStackPinball" to="." method="OnBallStackPinball_SwitchActive"]
[connection signal="timeout" from="BallStackPinball" to="." method="OnBallStackPinball_timeout"]


  • OnBallStackPinball_SwitchActive
  • OnBallStackPinball_timeout

BaseMode.cs - Overrides


  • Gets reference to BasicGame scene which is the parent of the Modes layer (this scenes parent). game = GetParent().GetParent() as BasicGame;
  • Loads a packed scene from BALL_SAVE_SCENE. This scene is added when called from DisplayBallSaveScene
  • Gets reference to for the _ballStackSaucer. A [[BallStackPinball|06b.BallStackPinball]] Timer.
  • The _ballStackSaucer is used to start multiball.


Processes the following actions if PinGodGame.GameInPlay and not PinGodGame.IsTitled:

  • start button = calls pingod.StartGame
  • flippers = nothing
  • outlanes = add 100 points
  • inlanes = add 100 points
  • slingshots = add 50 points


  • OnBallSaved = Displays a ball save scene for 2 seconds if not in multi-ball. DisplayBallSaveScene
  • OnBallStackPinball_SwitchActive = Sets PinGodGame.IsMultiballRunning and BasicGame.AddMultiballSceneToTree to add multiball to the tree